A Colorado district court judge Delivers Final Decision In Trump Matter that, in spite of his allegations of rebellion, Donald Trump had to be listed on the 2024 presidential ballot.
Despite acknowledging Trump’s role in the events of January 6, 2021, the court, which was chosen by a Democrat governor, decided that he was not an officer as that term is defined by the Fourteenth Amendment.
The judge rejected Trump’s legal team’s claim that his acts qualified as protected political speech.
Trump’s lawyers stated that the president’s remarks were not even close to “incitement,” much less “participation” in an uprising.
Even if other states have made good decisions, there will probably be an appeal, and the matter could wind up before the Supreme Court.
Trump’s spokesperson praised the decision and emphasized that lawsuits in other states had been defeated.
According to Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung, “We appreciate today’s Colorado judgment, which is another nail in the coffin of the un-American ballot challenges.” The Democrats’ 14th Amendment challenges have now been rejected in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, and New Hampshire.
“These lawsuits constitute the most transparent and cynical attempts by desperate Democrats, who are aware that Joe Biden is an ineffective president who is sure to lose, to meddle in the 2018 presidential election.”
The freedom to vote for any candidate in the United States is guaranteed by the Constitution, and President Donald J. Trump is currently leading the field.
“Today, Colorado appropriately upheld this right, and we strongly recommend that any lingering Democratic ballot challenges be immediately dropped. Towards a complete triumph in 2024, we’ll “Make America Great Again”!