America’s Most Accurate Pollster Gives Joe Biden Good News

Good news for President Joe Biden started the weekend as his support continued to go up in the most recent survey conducted by the nation’s most reputable pollster.

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As he runs for reelection, Biden is the likely Democratic nominee for president in 2024.

In the general election, he will face off against the presumed Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump. Trump is running for a second term, having lost to Biden in 2020.

In fictitious matchups, polls have typically shown the candidates tied, though early surveys were more likely to give Trump a slight advantage.

This fact was largely explained by worries about Biden’s age and his continuously low approval ratings—concerns that have also been leveled at Trump.

But in recent weeks, surveys have indicated a movement in favor of Biden, which is more likely to give him a narrow advantage currently. This may be because of the greater attention being paid to Trump’s criminal prosecutions and the growing unpopularity of the GOP’s hostility toward abortion rights.

The New York Times and Siena College released a new survey on Saturday that followed the trend of respondents favoring Biden while giving Trump a narrow advantage.

Out of 1,059 registered voters, the poll, which was conducted from April 7–11, revealed that 47% of respondents supported Trump and 46% supported Biden.

This indicated a shift in favor of Biden because Trump had a four-point advantage in a poll conducted by the same source in February, and larger leads had been reported by Trump in preceding surveys.

ABC News earlier reported that FiveThirtyEight’s pollster accuracy ranking had ranked the New York Times/Siena as the most accurate in the country.

According to an ABC News investigation, “The New York Times/Siena College, for example, is the most accurate pollster in America.” “It and ABC News/Washington Post are the only two pollsters with a three-star rating because of their accuracy and transparency.”

According to a poll released on Saturday, Biden’s support among people who supported him in 2020 is trending upward, which is in contrast to Trump’s performance in this region.

Only 85% of those who supported Biden four years ago said in the February poll that they would do so again this year; however, that percentage increased to 90% in the Saturday survey.

In contrast, Trump experienced a downward trend in this crucial area, dropping from 97 percent of respondents in the poll conducted in February to 94 percent.

However, the poll also revealed significant unpopularity headwinds for both candidates.

Biden’s net favorability increased to just 42% from 41% in the previous poll, while his disapproval rating stayed at 47%, the same as it was in February. At 44%, Trump’s net favorability was merely marginally higher.

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