Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s campaigns are closely tied to one another

According to a poll, voters think that President Joe Biden and Donald Trump are conducting nearly identical 2024 campaigns.

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In a survey, Redfield & Wilton Strategies polled 1,500 eligible voters. Of them, 37% said they believe Trump is running the best campaign right now, while 36% said Biden is.

The results are in spite of the fact that Trump, the likely Republican nominee for president in 2024, has a severely restricted campaign schedule at the moment due to his hush money trial, which requires him to appear in court most weekdays in New York.

Trump can only hold his rallies on the weekends or on days when the court is not in session because he is required to appear in court for his trial, in which he has entered a not guilty plea to 34 counts of falsifying business records.

During the recent trial’s break, the Republicans staged two rallies in the crucial swing states of Wisconsin and Michigan.

His next campaign event is scheduled for Saturday, May 11, in Wildwood, New Jersey.

Regarding the money he arranged for his former attorney, Michael Cohen, to pay adult film actress Stormy Daniels to conceal an alleged affair she had with Trump before the 2016 election, Trump has denied any wrongdoing.

Prosecutors contend the $130,000 was part of an illegal attempt to sway the outcome of the 2016 presidential contest. It was later listed in Trump’s corporate records as Cohen’s “legal fees.”

Trump has taken offense at being forced to attend a court hearing when he ought to be traveling the nation conducting campaign stops, calling the matter “election interference.”.

Trump continues to effectively campaign during his brief appearances in front of the media outside the court; he even recently challenged Biden to a live, televised debate.

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“We’re willing to do it Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Thursday night, or Friday night on national television. We’re ready. Just tell me where,” Trump said.”We’ll do it at the White House. That would be very comfortable, actually. But you tell me where. We’re ready.”

According to Republican consultant Jeanette Hoffman, Trump is taking advantage of his circumstances by campaigning in New York, where he has stopped by a bodega in Harlem and met with union laborers at a Manhattan construction site.

Hoffman said on this issue, “No campaign would want their candidate to be put in court instead of the voters on the campaign trail.”

“But I also think they’re smart to maximize their moments of support in front of the cameras during the trial.”

In other news, Biden’s team has disclosed that their strategy from now until November is to try to minimize the president’s remarks during the campaign trail in order to emphasize why he ought to be re-elected.

According to TJ Ducklo, the senior adviser for communications for the Biden campaign, “There’s a strategic advantage at this point in the race to boil down your message to the three or four most salient, compelling arguments for why President Biden should be re-elected.”

This will frequently result in the stump [speech] being reduced to its most concise, impactful form. What you’re witnessing is that.

On May 1, Redfield & Wilton Strategies conducted a survey. There is a 2.53 percent margin of error in the results.

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