Biden leads Trump in head-to-head matchup

In a hypothetical contest for the presidency in 2024, registered voters show Biden ahead of Trump 50–44.

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The disparity between the sexes is glaringly obvious, with women voting for Biden and men voting for Trump.

In a matchup between five candidates, Biden is in the lead with 39 percent, and Trump is in second place with 37 percent….

Nikki Haley is the candidate that voters would choose over Joe Biden in a hypothetical matchup like this one.

The approval rating for Vice President Joe Biden’s job is between 41 and 55 percent, and voters are concerned about the possibility of military conflicts in the Middle East. …..

The protection of democracy, the state of the economy, and immigration are in the top three most pressing concerns for voters.

There are a variety of perspectives regarding the immigration policy and the situation at the border. The two main concerns for voters are the economy and immigration.

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