Antlerless Deer License 2024 from PA

On purchasing of Antlerless deer license, The Pennsylvania Game Commission is seeking comments from hunters regarding their summertime experience.

Deer Hunting License

Antlerless deer license will go on sale for the three Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) where demand is highest, namely WMUs 1B, 2G, and 3A, starting on Monday, June 24 at 8 a.m.

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The first round of antlerless deer license sales will be limited to Pennsylvania residents and the number of permits allotted for these WMUs will be distributed according to first come, first served.

Then, homeowners will be able to purchase antlerless licenses for the remaining 19 WMUs from Thursday, June 27 through Sunday, July 7.

In any of these WMUs, there won’t be a waiting list for those applying for licenses.

Anterless Deer License

In either of these WMU, those who purchase a license before July 8 at 7 a.m., when the resident-only phase of the first round of antlerless license sales closes, will not have to wait in line to obtain one.

The first round of license sales for hunters could see shorter wait times thanks to these adjustments.

Demand for those license purchasers who are most in need of one can be better satisfied by starting antlerless license sales in the three WMUs that are most likely to sell out quickly and eliminating the other two.

Additionally, providing an antlerless license guarantee to a resident hunter for any other WMU for longer than a week removes the need for lines, spreads out demand, and provides hunters more freedom to purchase when it’s most convenient for them.

However, the Game Commission is interested in knowing what hunters think of the way the procedure is operating.

Anterless Deer License

By clicking the red “Provide feedback on your antlerless deer license buying experience” button on, hunters can offer comments.

As there won’t be any identifying questions, participation is private. Executive Director of the Game Commission Steve Smith stated that the input from hunters will be used to assess the effectiveness of the modifications and pinpoint areas for future development.

“Please take the time to share your comments; it will only take a few minutes and will help us gauge how well the new process is working,” Smith said. “We would like to talk to you.”

How to Purchase Pennsylvania Antlerless Deer License

In the first, second, and third sales rounds, hunters may only buy one antlerless deer license per round. The remaining licenses will be auctioned on a first-come, first-served basis after the guaranteed license period expires.

On Monday, July 8 at 8 a.m., the nonresident portion of the first round will commence.

On Monday, August 12, at 8 a.m., the third round gets underway. The third round of sales of licenses for the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) starts at that time as well.

A hunter may acquire multiple permits for any WMU where licenses are available during the fourth round, which starts on Monday, August 26 at 8 a.m. A hunter may not hold more than six antlerless licenses in their possession at once.

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