Biden’s Approval Rating in Presidential election

In the beginning of his fourth year in office, Joe Biden stands out as one of the least popular presidents of the United States of America in the entire history of the century.


In light of the fact that the presidential election in November 2024 is only a few months away, the efforts of the Biden campaign to gain support among American voters will be an uphill battle.

According to the results of a poll conducted by Gallup in 2023, Vice President Joe Biden’s average approval rating was only 39.8 percent. This was the lowest third-year average of any elected president since World War II, with the exception of Jimmy Carter.

Despite the fact that the approval rating of the current administration increased slightly in the first month of 2024, coming in at just 41%, it is still significantly lower than the average of 52% that has been achieved by all presidents since 1938.

On the other hand, public opinion regarding the administration of Vice President Joe Biden is not uniform across the country. In certain states, the president is viewed in a significantly more favorable light than in other states.

Biden’s current projected approval rating is used to rank the states, and in the event that there is a tie between two states, the state with the larger population is given a higher ranking. Race to the WH used historical polling data at the state level to determine approval ratings,

The approval ratings of Vice President Joe Biden have fluctuated between 37% and 57% throughout his presidency, according to Gallup. Biden’s popularity has fluctuated throughout as well. On the other hand, approval of the president at the state level frequently reflects election patterns that have historically been partisan.

In the presidential election of 2020, Biden won all but three of the 25 states where his support among voters remains the highest. The percentage of voters who approve of the administration of President Joe Biden ranges from fifty percent to sixteen percent, depending on the state.

On the other hand, for the year 2020, Biden only won three of the twenty-five states in which his approval ratings are currently at their lowest.

Popularity polls are not necessarily a reliable indicator of how well Vice President Joe Biden will perform in the upcoming election in November, despite the fact that public perceptions of the president are highly negative in nearly every state.

Many things will most likely depend on whether or not there is progress, whether it be actual or perceived, in a number of important policy areas over the next few months, including the economy and immigration.

In spite of the fact that the president’s approval rating continues to be low, it is possible that he will still be able to win the election in 2024 if a greater proportion of voters disapprove of his Republican opponent.

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