US airline apologizes after controversy over cabin crew members wearing Palestine flag pin

One of the biggest US airlines apologizes after controversy over cabin crew members wearing Palestine flag pin.

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US airline Delta expressed sympathy in a since-deleted tweet in response to a post that incorrectly said that two of its flight attendants, who were wearing Palestinian flag pins, were wearing “Hamas badges.”

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Due to a social media post it made on the Palestinian flag, Delta Air Lines has become entangled in a major issue. One of the biggest airlines in the US, Delta, expressed sympathy in a since-deleted tweet in response to a post that incorrectly said that two of its flight attendants, who were wearing Palestinian flag pins, were wearing “Hamas badges.”

Since 2001, we have taken our shoes off in every airport because of a terrorist attack on US land, tweeted an X user on Tuesday. Imagine now boarding a Delta flight and seeing employees flying around wearing Hamas badges. What do you do?

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Since 2001 we take our shoes off in every airport because a terrorist attack in US soil. Now imagine getting into a @Delta flight and seeing workers with Hamas badges in the air. What do you do ?

— i like teslas (@iliketeslas)

A day later, Delta Air Lines’ X account responded to the post, “I hear you as I’d be terrified as well, personally. Our employees reflect our culture and we do not take it lightly when our policy is not being followed.” After some time, the response was deleted.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the largest Muslim advocacy organisation in the US, slammed the airline for the “racist anti-Palestinian” tweet and demanded an apology.

US airline apologizes after controversy over cabin crew members wearing Palestine flag pin

In a statement, CAIR National Deputy Director Edward Ahmed Mitchell said,” Whether this racist post on Delta’s X account was approved or unauthorized, Delta must apologize and take steps to educate its employees about this type of dangerous anti-Palestinian racism. Bigotry against Palestinian-Americans is absolutely out of control in workplaces and at schools – and it must stop.”

Apology from Delta Air Lines

US airline Delta apologizes after controversy over cabin crew members wearing Palestine flag pin

Delta Air Lines on X stated that it “strives for an environment of inclusivity and respect for all” in response to criticism. Additionally, it stated that the offending employee “no longer supports Delta’s social channels.”

On Wednesday, we removed a reply that was not in line with our values. We strive for an environment of inclusivity & respect for all, in our communities & our planes. The employee responsible no longer supports Delta’s social channels. We apologize for this hurtful post…………Delta (@Delta) july 11, 2024

The two Delta employees who were seen wearing the pins will stay on the airline’s payroll since “it was in compliance with its uniform standard,” according to CBS News.

However, workers will only be allowed to wear US flags on their uniforms, according to Delta.

“Previously, pins representing countries/nationalities of the world had been permitted,” CBS News quoted Delta as saying.

“We’re taking this action to make sure that everyone can enjoy a secure, cozy, and friendly environment. We take great pride in the diversity of our workforce and clientele, as well as the core values of our business, which is to connect people globally and deliver an exceptional experience,” the airline said.

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