Due to solar eclipse tourism, San Antonio businesses sell more

Over 35,000 people are traveling to San Antonio to witness totality, and local companies claim the increase in tourism is already helping them.

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“We are looking at 70% occupancy in the city leading up to the eclipse; that is significant because it is a significant uptick versus the year before that same weekend,” Visit San Antonio Chief Marketing Officer Andres Munoz stated.

At least 35,000 people are expected to visit San Antonio this weekend for a variety of events, including the total solar eclipse, according to local businesses.

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“The day is filled with last-minute bookings, which are something that always occurs. According to a local hotelier, “that previous weekend, people didn’t know that they were coming, but they ended up making that decision at the very last minute.”

“A lot of hotels on the northwest side of the city are already reporting that they are completely sold out due to the eclipse, and the Valero Texas is open on the northeast side of the city, so all of these combined make for a busy weekend,” Munoz said.

Throughout the weekend, hotels anticipate receiving more reservations.

This past weekend was one of the busiest weekends for local businesses, particularly in the afternoon, according to businesses in the area.

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