Get Your Free Scoop for Ben and Jerry’s Free Cone Day 16 April

For 2024, Ben & Jerry’s Free Cone Day is back. Here’s how to get your complimentary cone on April 16th.


Tuesday, which is today, is free cone day at all participating Ben and Jerry’s establishments.

No purchase is required. On April 16, you can pick up your complimentary treat by visiting a physical store at any time between noon and eight o’clock.

Fans were kindly given certain “hacks” by Ben & Jerry’s to maximize a warm and sunny Free Cone Day.

First, the ice cream manufacturer advises you to carefully consider your flavor selection.

Then, since you won’t need your wallet at Ben & Jerry’s, “leave your wallet at home.” Along with your cone, remember to “bring an activity” and “wear comfy shoes.”

Ben & Jerry Free Cone Day, April 16 April.

Above all, remember to “bring your appetite.” As a way for the firm to show appreciation for their devoted fans, Ben & Jerry’s Free Cone Day was introduced in 1979.

By 2015, the company had distributed 1 million scoops worldwide during 36 Free Cone Days.

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