July 22 weather: Thanks to the sun, the weekend concluded with another day in the nineties.

The clouds have returned this morning, and our region will experience erratic weather for the majority of this week.
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This means that everyday showers and thunderstorms are to be expected. This implies that washouts will probably occur in the afternoons and evenings rather than every day.
These will be spread in terms of hours and locations due to the regular summer setup. This is likely to last until Thursday, when a cold front and a string of powerful storms should put an end to it.

Then Friday and the weekend will become considerably more pleasant and less humid.
Morning Air Temperatures Despite the high levels of humidity, today’s temperatures won’t increase too much because of the cloud cover.
Surface Weather in the Morning For the majority of this week, this nearly stationary front will spread NORTH and settle over the Mid-Atlantic. Showers and thunderstorms are predicted to start this afternoon and continue every day through Thursday.