Stormy Daniels: She is the center of Donald Trump’s hush money trial

Porn star Stormy Daniels’s dreams of retiring to a quiet domestic life on a Florida ranch with her horses and her fourth husband, fellow adult film star Barrett Blade, have evaporated

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A Manhattan grand jury has indicted Donald Trump regarding a $130,000 (£105,000) hush money payment to the porn star, setting a precedent for the 2024 election.

After admitting guilt to tax evasion and campaign finance violations in connection with paying off Ms. Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, and another woman, both of whom claimed to have had affairs with Mr. Trump, Michael D. Cohen was already sentenced to three years in prison in 2018.

Mr. Trump has insisted he has done nothing wrong and denied ever having sex with either of the women or knowing about the hush money.

As the first former president to face legal action for a criminal offense, Mr. Trump’s trial is expected to take place around the bitterly contested 2024 presidential election.

Additionally, it has brought Ms. Daniels’s story of that fateful July 2006 night back into the public eye.

Subsequently, the 60-year-old flamboyant businessman and reality TV star of NBC’s popular show The Apprentice, Mr. Trump, met the 27-year-old porn actress during a celebrity golf tournament in Nevada.

He had gone there by himself, leaving his third wife Melania and their infant son Barron behind.

Later that day, Mr. Trump and Ms. Daniels ran into each other again in the gift room , and they were pictured together at the booth for her pornographic company, Wicked Pictures.

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An invitation to dinner in his penthouse suite at the opulent Harrah’s Lake Tahoe hotel and casino was extended to her, and she accepted the invitation.

He was wearing black silk pajamas and slippers, while Ms. Daniels showed up wearing a strappy heeled dress and gauzy gold dress, she said.

Following that, she asserts that they shared a bed together.

It was reported by her that he continued to call her and refer to her as “honeybunch.” Although they continued to see each other on a few occasions, they did not sleep together again.

Stormy Daniels in interview

Ms. Daniels agreed to give an interview to In Touch Weekly about that night in exchange for a payment of fifteen thousand dollars; however, Mr. Cohen discovered the interview and threatened to sue the publication. Not only was she not compensated, but the article was never published.

In the year 2016, she made another attempt to sell the story. Considering that Mr. Trump was on the verge of winning the election, the stakes were significantly higher this time around.

For the second time, Mr. Cohen intervened to put an end to the story by making her an offer of $130,000 to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

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Ms. Daniels signed her copy on a car’s trunk next to a California pornographic set. On behalf of Mr. Trump, Mr. Cohen signed.

After waiting a while, Mr. Cohen finally paid her with his own money, which got him in trouble with the law and put him in jail.

But it is said that while Mr. Trump was in the White House, he both ordered the payoff and signed checks to reimburse Mr. Cohen.

Even so, the story surfaced in 2018 after Ms. Daniels filed a lawsuit against Mr. Trump in an effort to revoke the NDA and In Touch Weekly released the kiss-and-tell piece. The lawsuit was filed two years later.

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