The largest donor to Trump in 2020 is still around in 2024

For his presidential campaign in 2024, Donald Trump is attempting to win over mega-donors from the past.

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Certain key donors, on the other hand, have proven to be more difficult to track down, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Due to the fact that the Biden campaign is raking in cash, this could be a problem.
It is possible that Donald Trump has secured the nomination of the Republican Party; however, he has not yet secured the support of some of the party’s most significant mega-donors.

While Trump works to woo major donors, some have said they are more concerned about his legal issues and are allocating their funds to congressional campaigns instead.

Given how much money President Joe Biden is making for his own campaign, it’s concerning news for Trump’s campaign.

One wealthy holdout is Miriam Adelson, who gave Trump’s 2020 campaign the largest donation of $90 million, along with her now-deceased husband, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Trump and Adelson have had dinner together twice in recent months and communicate frequently.

Although those close to her said that she will probably contribute in the future, the important questions are when and how much. Trump needs every dollar as the campaign heats up.

According to March campaign finance reports, Biden and the Democrats raised over $90 million, while Trump and the Republicans only raised $65 million.

Beginning the month of April with approximately $192 million, Biden held nearly $100 million more than Trump. In addition, the former president is facing a growing number of legal bills.

It’s possible that Trump will still close the gap. Both his legal funds and his campaign are receiving contributions from a significant number of his other devoted investors.

As an illustration, Robert Bigelow, a hotelier, contributed fifteen million dollars to Trump’s campaign and one million dollars to cover his legal expenses.

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